Welcome to the things that are going through my brain. I know, not nearly as dirty as you'd think. Either way, if you're not sure, poke it with a stick, and if it looks scary, don't mess with it. - Curator H4773r
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Memeorables: Everyone's Had More Sex Than Meme
As a related tangent, my pal Jordan Explosion has this guy as his twitter avatar, but since he's been dating his current fiance and moved in together over about a year or so, I doubt the truth of his claim.
But here tis, enjoy.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
No Small Wonder
Come by, say "hi" and meet one of our new employees, a world renowned cosplayer, as well as one of the 'Geddon Veterans. Most of us will be dressed all snazzy while we sling steel to needy little weapon enthusiasts. Maybe even pick up one of my custom made Combo Packs, eh? Extra Wit is included FREE!
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Queue From Porn
First, a table that promotes RP while allowing some laziness in RP at the same time.
100 ways pc's know each other. I am SO using this in my next campaign, whether I'm GMing or Playing, word to my players, be aware.
Then! there was
"Roll on this table on what to Blog about."
So, I busted out the d10 AND . . . .
5--Write up a monster/trap combination. Neither the monster nor the trap must be original, but the combo must be interesting.
Alright then, my favorite trap, is more of a puzzle, it's an invisible wall of force that bisects a room, that STARTS two feet off the ground, and stops at six feet off the ground. The trick is that you have to describe it to the group correctly to lead them into thinking its a solid, floor to roof, wall while not blatantly lying to them. Perhaps, asking for high DC Int checks to notice they hit their shins but didn't stub their toes if they start to get stumped.
One of the creatures that most amuse me is the Cockatrice, since -I- first encountered it in the epic nine month campaign where this blog's namesake took place.
SO, the combo I have, is to have a room in a dungeon/castle/twisted-Femme-Mastermind-with-strange-tastes' Estate, where the characters enter it, and:
See - The room is divided in half by a low (3 ft high) fence made of sturdy wood & chicken wire. On the opposite side of the room, behind the fencing is a disgusting looking rooster which glares at you menacingly.
And of course, the above mentioned wall is right in front of the fence, between the chicken pen and the players.
Hilarity ensues.
I think in the future I might use this table again as it has multiple uses and I often feel I have a hard time finding segues into table Top RPG posts, Thank you Zak.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Memeorables: meme-ad Nerds
And it spawned a few more, such as . . .
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Third Tale
You might have read some of my previous impressions about this game, but I finally powered through it and "finished" it.
First of all, Zero Punctuation has got my back on this one, almost verbatim.
Only a few differences in my case, instead of playing the Real Estate Game and letting it run overnight I maxed out Blacksmithing and made swords till I couldn't see straight. Seriously, if everyone in Albion had three hands, men, women and children would have had two extra swords, yo.
And then, when I'm finally in the black (instead of -500,000 because you say "yes" to all the stuff that ISN'T blatantly "this is Reaver's idea to make you evil" with no third options that make sense) I realize I have to raise MORE money in order to save lives, and the little monkey with an abacus in my brain says "dude, that's like 1,000 a head, or something, I don't wanna do the actual calculation, that would be hard." So I go and make some more cash to start buffing out my coffers. I actually manage to open a door that GIVES me a crap-ton of gold, and try to do a few achievement quests or quests that are unique but don't have an obvious time-line/main storyline ti-ins.
The main storyline is prompting me to do stuff, but I remember 0-Punctuation Guy saying there's a "time limit" till the darkness comes, "oh, there it is 'days left: 151' sweet, I have some time." So I start the main questline and it throws me straight into "Darkness here, you're all kinds of fuct!" And then, Guess what!?!?!? It was in Walter the whole time from that stupid fucking "itsa Trap!" cave, so, now that your Holy Wheaties Avenger of Light (or Babies for Breakfest, Puppies for Desert, Tea with Hitler-Evil) you get to have a showdown with the creature IN YOUR TOWN SQUARE! Not in some epic castle, or wind-swept awesome battlefield, or anything, no, right there, next to where that guard, gave you that repeatable quest and you hit on that guy once to get a gay admirer.
HA! The suck doesn't end there, you get your ending where everyone QQ's over Walter and Jasper drops a bomb on you that even though you managed to be a paragon of Awesomeness (in my case) By giving everyone everything they said they wanted, (accept for reduced casualties, whoops, my bad, whatever) that a bunch of people STILL hate you. I get the impression he doesn't just mean Reaver, Bandits, and that one guy who writes the crappy smack talk mail to everyone.
Um, I'm done with this game at that point, it leaves you open to keep playing and get everything else in the game, but I had started griping at T1nk by this point, hoping the end credits would have some fun stuff on them, ah well, guess not.
And where the hell are the quests that give you a crap ton of money because you are a good person? There was like, one, and it MIGHT have canceled one of those hard decisions, but not nearly on a scale to get a favorable ending, only if you entered the game ready to make money, or (as is sometimes the case) you are a brilliant savant with money in video games.
OR, another possibility that this game made me consider, I'm bad at video games, that's how much this game made me wonder.
And where the hell are my top hat and goggles, steampunk/industrial revolutionary style/oliver twist like video game!?!? Every Tom, Denise, and Harriette and vaguely effeminate Reaver are wearing rockin Makers Faire ensembles, and the best I get is the bandit's outfit!?! Gah!
So, if you're still reading this, if you have a chance to borrow this game or have a game fly account and want a new game, go ahead and play it through. Honestly, I think Lion's Gate should make a full blown MMO or just a super-RPG like a FF or KH, because just RPG-ing in the universe is a blast, the combat is fun but not terrible, the system's were okay, and the worlds are immersive. I would love to maybe even Table top an Albion campaign (say hey, that's a good idea, hrrmm..) So, yeah, I love the work they do and the voice acting was crazy ( mean, come on, a Python & a Doctor? Fuck yeah) but they really needed to work on that main storyline for me. I've heard others praise it like mad, but, not my cup of tea, sorry.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Memeorable: Meme-unchies
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Put A Beat Under It
And yet, I have this unwavering obsession with Hip-Hop and rap. To even go further, anyone remember back in the late 90's/early "double ots" (2000-2005) when there were a few spoken word poems floating around alternative stations that were like affirmations or that awesome etymology of the "F" word?
(Hey look, I found 'em)
Perhaps it's because when you take the time to craft music and mix it it feels more polished and more well put together? If the "lyrics" suck I can always listen to the music? Or maybe I just haven't had the proper exposure? Maybe I need to immerse myself more in the culture to enjoy it, I know that happened when I took a "Worlds of Jazz" I found some things in that music form that made it more enjoyable. Perhaps I was working under the assumption my previous encounters were samples of exemplary pieces? I could very well be mistaken, and as shown by the few pieces I DO enjoy, its not ALL lame, to me.
Ah, mysteries of the universe, you confuse me so, perhaps a more coherent conclusion next time, but then, those are probably not the things you come to MY blog for eh?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Nerdy Fresh
Thursday, March 3, 2011
3rd 4 t3h Nrrd: March '11
Here's a taste, one of my fave tracks on the entire collection. I've got this one just about memorized.
So, any whip, go snag those fesh new nerdy beats and stick em in your ear hole. While here I shout atop the Inter-tubes, "Rhyme Torrents is Deader than Nerdcore! Long Live Rhyme Torrents, Long Live Nerdcore Now!"
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Ladies Playing Pretend
P.S. Apparently back in 2010 a few of the ladies filmed character Vlogs for their youtube channel, and although I liked the thief & the cleric, this one was the one that actually made me laugh.