Monday, February 12, 2018

Divining Game: Part Two

Peep Part One Here! Context FTW!

Giving up after 1 failed attempt is for quitters. Or something like that.

Maybe it's more along the lines that you hyped a game to a dear friend who bothered that very game's creator to express ship a copy so you could all play at a party and then kinda . . . not shit-all-over-it . . more, lightly farted at it?
(Also, I think I should have typed "Kyle, The Man With the Weave Tattoo" as it sounds more grand with caps.
Here is The Legend himself

And now I need to read EVERYTHING about Weave Society, hadn't heard of it yet. THANKS!)

I still loved this system and what I thought it could accomplish, and I dig Kyle, The Man With the Weave Tattoo's style & composure, so looked within myself, to make SURE the next session was a success.