Wednesday, December 20, 2017

D and December 2017: Week 2 - Day 2

Main Post:

2- Draconic: fantasy latin - the language of magic.

Draconic the language, one of the oldest, a mainstay of magic.

A harsh tongue, yet musical, full of weight & meaning.

Effectively “Fantasy Latin” for several editions, only spoken by draconic beasts or casters who studied the arcane arts.

Sometimes used as a “secret language” among young wizards in passing when traveling through rustic areas. Rough graffiti on the wall of a tavern might actually be written in that dialect, as a message to others interested in eldritch secrets.

Tattooing certain characters or phrases onto one’s flesh and imbuing it with mystic energies might lend potency to the ward, as blood is a very significant reagent.

Ultimately, being able to talk to a Dragon in it’s own prose, with all the property courtesies & manners may mean the difference between being friend or dinner.

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