Thursday, January 11, 2018

D and December 2017: Week 3 - Day 1(Belated)

D and December 2017: Week 3 - Day 1(Belated)

Week 3 - Realms and Planes

Day 1- Feywild/shadowfell
pixies, shadowrealm

"When I was but a lad, not yet half as tall as I am now. I fell in love with a Brownie.
Playing in the woods outside the town, I came across this tiny little girl in a drab rag of a dress, 
too many freckles, and a smile much too wide for her head.
I asked her name, and she asked the same back, so I said 'me first' and she again replied the same.
So I pointed at myself and said 'Jaxon'. She pointed to herself and said the same.
So I pointed to her and said 'you?'
She giggled, a laugh too deep for her frame, and she said 'you', and clapped.
I clapped as well, though who knows what for, as I didn't know if that was her name or if she even
spoke common. But I waved bye as I ran back home.
We met again at the same tree several times over the course of a week, and I would talk & talk at her,
she would only reply by repeating a word back now and then. The best friend a child with too many
words in their head, to have really.
Except for one day, she had the big grin once again, and started talking to me. 
She supplied my young mind with countless brilliant ideas, as well as plans for how to enact them.
We set off for town.
This was going to be great.
Needless to say, after a full day of terrible pranks & near death injuries as a result, I was belted 
into tears and nearly sent to the closest chapel for a proper cleric to exorcise me. 
The Brownie disappeared as soon as I was caught, no honor among thieves, and did not return
until the next day, my eyes still filled with tears and my backside still stinging.
She left again, as a crying boy rubbing his rump is not so much fun, and I never saw her again.
Only years later, did I learn what she was, and was lucky for the small lesson I was taught. "

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